
Prices are in USD
Please read the ToS before commissioning me. Must be 18+ to order a commission.
Additional characters discounted 20%

Symmetrical Icons

Unless specified, finished images will be 1000x1000 pixels.

Soft Style - $15

Loud Style - $20

Soft Style

Transparent or flat/abstract color backgrounds are the default. Drawn backgrounds are $10+ depending on complexity. 1 free prop included.

Headshot - $20
Halfbody - $30
FullBody - $60


Transparent or flat/abstract color backgrounds are the default. Drawn backgrounds are $10+ depending on complexity. 1 free prop included.

Headshot - $30
Halfbody - $50
FullBody - $75

Cell Shading

Transparent or flat/abstract color backgrounds are the default. Drawn backgrounds are $10+ depending on complexity. 1 free prop included.

Headshot - $40
Halfbody - $60
FullBody - $90

Full Rendering(Closed)

Transparent or flat/abstract color backgrounds are the default. Drawn backgrounds are $15+ depending on complexity. 2 free props included.

Headshot - $80
Halfbody - $140
FullBody - $180

(30% OFF SALE)
Reference Sheets*

Any text addition is free, though you can also request blank spaces to write in yourself. Backgrounds will be flat colors by default, anything else may be an upcharge.*If you don’t have existing refs/art of the character there will be a custom design up charge! Price varies depending on design plans.

Minimal - $90 $63
Includes a full front view and 2 headshots

Basic - $120 $84
Includes 1 front view, 1 back view, and 1 headshot

Experimental Slots

These change regularly! Often a way to test new commission types or play with a new style. They are discounted and may not have examples. May also take longer to complete.

Sketchy Com
Sketchy lines with cross hatch style shading and loose coloring.

Headshot - $20
Halfbody - $30
FullBody - $50